


Little Nutbrown Hare,who was going to bed,held on tight to Big Nutbrown Hare's very long ears. 小兔子要上床睡覺了, 他緊緊抓住大兔子的耳朵, He wanted to be sure that Big Nutbrown Hare was listening."Guess how much I love you,"he said. 要大兔子好好聽他說:“猜猜我有多愛你?”小兔子問。 "Oh,I don't think I could guess that,"said Big Nutbrown Hare. “哎, 我大概猜不出來。 ”大兔子笑笑說。 "This much,"said Little Nutbrown Hare,stretching out his arms as wide as they could go. 小兔子把手臂張開, 開得不能再開。 “我愛你這麼多。 ” Big Nutbrown Hare had even longer arms."But I love YOU this much,"he said. 大兔子有對更長的手臂, 他張開來一比。 “可是, 我愛你這麼多。 ” Hmm,that is a lot,thought Little Nutbrown Hare. 小兔子動了動耳朵心想:這真的很多。 "I love you as high as I can reach,"said Little Nutbrown Hare. "我愛你像我舉得這麼高, 高得不能再高。 " "I love you as high as I can reach,"said Big Nutbrown Hare. “我愛你像我舉得這麼高, 高得不能再高。 ” That is quite high,thought Little Nutbrown Hare.I wish I had arms like that. “哎, 這真的很高, 希望我的手臂也可以像大兔子一樣。 ” Then Little Nutbrown Hare had a good idea.He tumbled upside down and reached up the tree trunk with his feet. 小兔子又有了一個好主意, 他把頭頂在樹幹上倒立了起來。 "I love you all the way up to my toes!"he said. 大兔子一把抓起了小兔子的手,
將他拋起來, 飛得比他的頭還要高。 “我愛你到你的腳指頭這麼多。 ” "And I love you all the way up to your toes,"said Big Nutbrown Hare,swinging him up over his head. “我愛你一直到我的腳趾頭這麼多。 ” "I love you as high as I can HOP!"laughed Little Nutbrown Hare,bouncing up and down. 小兔子笑了起來, “我愛你像我跳得這麼高, 高得不能再高。 ”他跳過來又跳過去。 "But I love you as high as I can hop,"smiled Big Nutbrown Hare-and he hopped so high that his ears touched the branches above. “可是, 我愛你像我跳得這麼高, 高得不能再高。 ”大兔子往上一跳, 耳朵都碰到樹枝了。 That's good hopping thought Little Nutbrown Hare.I wish I could hop like that. 呀, 跳得真高吖, 真希望我也跳得那麼高。 "I love you all the way down the lane as far as the river,"cried Little Nutbrown Hare. “我愛你一直到過了小路, 在遠遠的河那邊。 ” "I love you across the river and over the hills,"said Big Nutbrown Hare. “我愛你一直到過了小河, 越過山的那一邊。 ” That's very far,thought Little Nutbrown Hare. “嗯, 那真的很遠。 ” He was almost too sleepy to think any more. 小兔子揉了揉紅紅的眼睛, 開始困了, 想不出來了。 Then he looked beyond the thorn bushes,out into the big dark night. Nothing could be further than the sky. 他抬起頭看看樹叢後面的一大片黑夜, 覺得沒有什麼東西比天空更遙遠的了。 "I love you right up to the MOON,"he said,and closed his eyes." 小兔子緩緩閉上眼睛, 在進入夢鄉前喃喃地說:“我愛你從這裡, 一直到月亮。
” Oh,that's far,"said Big Nutbrown Hare."That is very,very far." “哦, 這樣遠啊, 真的非常非常遠。 ” Big Nutbrown Hare settled Little Nutbrown Hare into his bed of leaves.He leaned over and kissed him good night. 大兔子輕輕地抱起小兔子, 將他放到樹葉鋪成的床上, 低下頭, 親親他, 祝他晚安。 Then he lay down close by and whispered with a smile,"I love you riht up to the moon -AND BACK."

然後, 躺到小兔子的身邊, 小聲微笑著說:“我愛你, 從這裡一直到月亮, 再繞回來。 ”

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當你很愛、很愛一個人的時候, 也許, 你會想把這種感覺描述出來。 可是, 就像小兔子和大兔子發現的那樣;愛, 實在不是一件容易衡量的東西。

這本圖畫書裡有一隻像孩子的小兔子和一隻像爸爸的大兔子。 小兔子像所有的孩子一樣愛比較。 它們倆在比賽誰的愛更多一些。 大兔子用智慧贏得了比賽和小兔子稍微少一點的愛, 可小兔子用它的天真和想像贏得了大兔子多出一倍的愛。 兩隻兔子都獲勝了。

整個作品充溢著愛的氣氛和快樂的童趣, 小兔子親切可愛的形象、兩隻兔子相互較勁的故事構架以及形象、新奇的細節設置都對孩子有著極大的吸引力。

