

今天小編來教一首大家耳熟能詳的兒童英語歌謠, 就是老外的生日快樂歌啦。 這首歌是幾乎人人都會唱的生日快樂歌, h

到生日晚會進行到高☆禁☆潮的時候, 大家會齊唱生日快樂, h

下次你為別人慶祝生日的時候就可以用上這一些生日詞彙了。 現在你可以用所學的知識幫助書中的小熊為爸爸準備一個好的生日晚會啦!H

【跟老師學唱】Happy birthday to you happy birthday to youHappy birthday dear friend happy birthday toyouHappy birthday to you happy birthday to youHappy birthday dear friend happy birthday toyouHappy birthday to you happy birthday to youHappy birthday dear friend happy birthday toyouHappy birthday to you happy birthday to you

【大家一起唱】Happy birthday to you happy birthday to youHappy birthday dear friend happy birthday toyouHappy birthday to you happy birthday to youHappy birthday dear friend happy birthday toyouHappy birthday to you happy birthday to youHappy birthday dear friend happy birthday toyouHappy birthday to you happy birthday to you。

