

奶爸最近在The Economist看到一篇文章, 講雙語育兒的好處, 深感所言極是。 特意翻譯並轉載過來。 奶爸自己也是雙語育兒的實踐者, 也知道本公眾號讀者中有一批已為或將為父母者, 今後會把自己的經(jiao)驗(xun)寫出來, 發給大家, 敬請關注。



Johnson: Bringing up baby bilingual

THIS weekend Johnson enjoyed an American holiday in Berlin: the children's Halloween party held by neighbours, a half-German, half-American couple. Besides mermaid tails, ladybug antennas or monster horns, nearly every one of the nippers at the party had another accessory: a second language.

本週末, 詹森在柏林享受了一次美國節日:由鄰居操辦的萬聖節娃娃聚會。 鄰居夫妻倆一個德國人, 一個美國人。 因此, 聚會中除了美人魚尾巴, 小瓢蟲觸角和大怪獸犄角外, 幾乎每個小淘氣都有個“配飾品”:外語。

Johnson’s own nipper is still pre-verbal at nearly 18 months, meaning that every request not immediately understood and satisfied may quickly turn into a piercing shriek. But we take comfort that Johnson, junior, is cognitively just fine. If his language comes a little late, that is probably because, for one thing, he is male, and for another, he is surrounded every day by three languages: English and Danish at home, and German all day at nursery. More confusingly still, the three languages are closely related: is it bread, Brot or brød? Apple, Apfel or æble? House, Haus or hus? The earthy words in English are mostly Germanic, meaning these triplets are coming up in his world all the time.

詹森的小淘氣快18個月了, 還不會說話。 因此, 只要一個需求不被理解或滿足,

小傢伙就立刻鬼哭狼嚎。 我們自信小詹森的認知能力完全沒問題。 他說話晚, 一來是因為他是個男娃, 二來很可能是因為他每天被三種語言環繞:家裡的英語、丹麥語, 以及白天在托兒所的德語。 更讓人犯迷糊的是, 這三種語言很相近:麵包、蘋果、房子等的三種發音都差不多, 而且英語中大多數通俗詞彙都源於德語。 因此寶寶時刻處在這“三胞胎”語言的世界裡。

Children raised bilingual or multilingual show similar results. In early days they will mix languages. They make errors by using the syntax of one language and the words of another. (“Touch the guitar”, my old Spanish teacher’s daughter would say, instead of “Play the guitar”.) But these problems disappear quickly. By three or four, children reliably separate the languages, knowing which can be spoken with whom. Their fluency in each would be the envy of any adult language-learner.

雙語或多語環境下長大的孩子都有類似的問題。 他們早期會把語言混淆, 錯把一個語言的語法套到另一個語言上。 (我以前西班牙老師的女兒總說“撥吉他”, 而不是“彈吉他”。 )但是這些問題很快就會消失。 三、四歲之前, 孩子們就能區分不同的語言,

知道該對某個人說哪種語言。 他們每種語言都能說得很溜, 讓很多學外語的大人羡慕不已。

Many parents once believed that a second language was a bad idea, as it would interfere with developing the first and more important one. But such beliefs are woefully out of date today. Some studies seem to show that bilinguals have smaller vocabularies in each language (at early stages) than monolinguals do. But other studies find no vocabulary shortfall in either language. In any case, the influence of mono- or bilingualism on vocabulary size is later overtaken by the importance of education, socio-economic status, reading and writing habits. In short, there is little evidence that raising a child bilingual will hurt their primary language.

有很多家長認為幼兒學外語不是個好主意, 覺得這樣會影響母語學習, 而掌握母語比掌握外語重要得多。 其實, 這些觀點都是老皇曆了。 有些研究結果表明雙語兒童(早期)的詞彙量會小於不學外語的兒童;但有些研究結果則表明兩者的詞彙量沒有區別。 但所有研究都證明, 不論用不用雙語教育, 日後決定孩子詞彙量差別的是教育、社會經濟條件以及讀寫習慣。 總之, 沒有證據證明, 雙語環境下長大的孩子母語水準會受到影響。

The benefits, by contrast, are both strong and long-lasting. Bilingual children as young as seven months outperform monolinguals at tasks requiring “executive function”: prioritising and planning complex tasks and switching mental gears. This is probably because monitoring the use of two languages is itself an exercise in executive function. Such studies control for socio-economic status, and in fact the same beneficial effects have been shown in bilingual children of poor families. Finally, the effects appear to be lifelong: bilinguals have later onset of Alzheimer’s disease, on average, than do monolinguals.

與此同時, 雙語的好處顯而易見且影響長遠。 7個月時, 雙語小孩在規劃複雜任務、轉換思維模式等執行力方面的表現就優於單語環境下長大的小孩。

原因可能是, 使用雙語本身也是一種執行力練習。 研究中考慮了經濟和社會地位等因素, 結果表明貧窮家庭的雙語兒童同樣表現出這一優勢。 最後, 雙語的作用的是終生的。 平均而言, 說雙語的人比只講一種語言的人更晚罹患老年癡呆。

All this is hot evidence for a mental exercise that could give children a lifelong advantage. Should you then run out and sign your child up for whatever language you can find? Alas, no. As the saying goes, “for whosoever hath, to him shall be given.” Multiple languages are best for you when you’ve had them from birth. The dramatic studies here work with “crib” bilinguals, children raised with both languages spoken by natives in their homes.

上述最新的研究結果證明, 雙語教育能使孩子終生受益。 那父母是不是要趕緊跑去給孩子報個外語班呢?當然不是。 聖經中說“凡有的, 要更加給他。 ”多語言環境應該從孩子出生時就開始建立。 上述喜人的研究結果都是從“搖籃雙語”兒童中得出的, 這些孩子都來自本身就講兩種語言的家庭。

And even having a native speaker among the parents at home is not by itself enough. If a child is raised by one monoglot Anglophone and one bilingual in an English-speaking country, the child's second language may atrophy if the bilingual parent isn’t strict about conducting all exchanges with the child in this language. This is the root of the “one parent, one language” theory that many bilingual families swear by. By this theory, consistency is important for the learning brain.

僅僅有講兩種語言的家長還不夠。 如果孩子父母一方說只會說英語,

一方會雙語, 而小孩是在英語國家長大, 那麼如果父母不嚴格堅持用英語之外的語言和孩子交流的話, 孩子的第二語言能力就會退化。 這正是“一對兒家長, 各說各話”這一原則被眾多雙語家庭奉行的原因。 因為, 兒童學習中對大腦的持續刺激是非常重要的。

But one researcher on the topic, François Grosjean, disagrees that one-parent, one-language is a must. Instead, he says, “the need factor is crucial”—that is, the child must experience regular monolingual situations in each language. If there are no domains (school, travel, grandparents) where only one of the two languages will do, “children are very good at judging whether it is worth maintaining a language or letting it wither away.” One option he recommends is to speak only one language at home and the other outside the home. (This requires both parents to be fairly fluent in both languages, though.)

但是該領域的研究者佛朗索·格羅森並不認同這一觀點。 他認為重要的是“雙語使用需求。 ”即, 小孩必須經常置身於將兩種語言作為交流用語的環境。 如果沒有這樣的環境(學校、旅行、祖父母), 而僅僅只有一種語言被經常使用, “孩子很善於判斷哪種語言值得學習, 哪種語言應該拋棄。 ”該學者建議父母在家裡說一種語言, 出門說另一種語言(這就需要父母雙方都能比較流利的說兩種語言。


For parents who cannot make their children “crib bilinguals”, there are, of course, still many reasons to teach children foreign languages, and many benefits. Here, still, time is not on parents’ and teachers’ sides. The earlier children begin the second language, the better they will learn it. Norway has already introduced English in the first year of school, and Denmark is soon to do so. These countries, unlike France, Germany or Spain, have very small languages of their own, so they know language ability is crucial to their future competitiveness. Talk about the “need factor”.

對於那些無法為孩子創造“搖籃雙語”環境的父母, 教小孩外語還是有很多益處的。 因為家長和老師都無法戰勝年齡的影響。 小孩學外語的年齡越小, 學的會越好。 挪威多年前就施行了開學第一天就學英語的政策, 丹麥也迅速跟進。 這些國家和法國、德國、西班牙不同, 說他們國家語言的人很少, 因此掌握英語對他們孩子將來的競爭力至關重要。 這就是“雙語使用需求”的重要性。



問題:奶爸你好,我是在知乎上看到你關於在策馬學習的心得而得知你的微信的,請問能麻煩你解答幾個問題嗎?我是非英專業對英語很熱愛的大二學生。 也想去機構學習,請問您覺得現在學好還是之後工作需要了學好?你說班上牛人很多,會不會很有壓迫感,因為本專業的學習我的英語也不是太好,我覺得你寫的方法挺好的,如果堅持自學一年後等基礎好點再去機構的話會不會有更大的收穫?誠心希望得到你的回復,謝謝




策馬給出的建議是能聽懂VOA special就能報名,但我個人認為應該比這個水準高點。但是課堂上老師會帶領你做聽力練習,你也可以通過跟老師的交流,學到提高聽力的方法。課程結束後聽力水準會被拉高一個檔次的。通過上課學到的學習方法,之後再繼續練習豈不是效果更好?





策馬給出的建議是能聽懂VOA special就能報名,但我個人認為應該比這個水準高點。但是課堂上老師會帶領你做聽力練習,你也可以通過跟老師的交流,學到提高聽力的方法。課程結束後聽力水準會被拉高一個檔次的。通過上課學到的學習方法,之後再繼續練習豈不是效果更好?


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