

達緬、米拉和凱莉是英國人最懼怕和最不信任的名字, 因為它們和迷信以及一些不吉利的說法有關。 (Damien, Myra and Carrie are Britain's most feared and mistrusted names due to superstitious and dark associations.)

“達緬”這個名字在調查中居首, 十名受訪者中有九人因為聯想到20世紀70年代的電影《凶兆》中魔鬼之子而感到不安。 僅次於達緬的是米拉, 83%的受訪者對其心存迷信, 這可能是因為該名讓人聯想到英國連環殺手米拉·新德利。 (Damien topped the poll with nine out of 10 respondents uneasy about the associations with the devil child from the 1970s film "The Omen". Myra, was the next most feared and distrusted name at 83 percent, potentially due to associations with British serial killer Myra Hindley, the survey said.)

緊隨達緬和米拉的是另外兩部著名恐怖電影中的名字——凱莉(1976年影片, 由茜茜·斯派塞克主演)和羅絲瑪麗(影片《魔鬼怪嬰》, 由羅曼·波蘭斯基導演)以及《聖經》中背叛耶穌基督的猶大。

(That was followed by two other prominent horror film names Carrie (a 1976 film starring Sissy Spacek), Rosemary ("Rosemary's Baby", directed by Roman Polanski) and Judas, who the Bible says betrayed Jesus Christ.)

四分之三的受訪者稱, 他們會儘量避免與名叫達緬的人約會, 66%的女性受訪者說她們忌諱用自己上學時討厭的某個同學或是前男友的名字給孩子起名。 (Three quarters of respondents said they would avoid dating someone with the name Damien and 66 percent of women said they were superstitious about naming a child after someone they hated at school or an ex-boyfriend.)
