

The foolish Donkey


It is a bright sunny morning. A man is loading a bundle of salt onto his Donkey. He is going to sell the salt at the market. The man is very excited. He hopes to get a good price for the salt.

一個陽光明媚的早晨。 一個人將一捆鹽放到他的驢子的背上。 他要到市場上去賣鹽。 那個人非常興奮。 他希望他的鹽能賣個好價錢。

Donkey: Hee-haw! Hee-haw!


Man: Stand still, Donkey!

人:不要動, 驢子!

Donkey: (murmur) How heavy it will be!


Man: Don’t worry. It isn’t very heavy.

人:別擔心。 這不會很重的。

Donkey: (murmur)I don’t believe you. It is always heavy.

驢子:(喃喃)我不相信。 總是很重。

Man: Let’s go, Donkey!

人:我們走吧, 驢子!

The two are on their way. The man is very happy, but the Donkey is not. The salt on his back is very heavy.

他們兩個出發了。 人很高興可以驢子不高興。 在它背上的鹽很重。

Man: Oh, what a beautiful morning! Look at the beautiful flowers. I shall sell the salt and buy some new shoes.

人:哦, 多麼美好的早晨!看著那些美麗的花。 我 應該把鹽賣了, 然後買些新鞋。

Donkey: What a terrible morning. The sun is shining and my back is heavy. I am hot and tired. I want to rest.

驢子:真是個糟糕的早晨!陽光普照兒我的背上這 麼重。 我又累又熱。 我要休息。

Man: Let’s go fast, Donkey. I need some new shoes.


驢子。 我需要一些新鞋子。

Donkey: I can’t go any faster. My legs are getting weak. Where is the market? Why is it so far away?

驢子:(喃喃)我沒辦法走得更快了!我的腿越來 越沒力了。 市場在哪裡?為什麼這麼遠?

The two keep walking. There is a stream ahead. They must cross it.

他們兩個繼續走著, 前面有條小溪。 他們必須橫渡它。

Man: We must cross that stream.


Donkey: Oh no! A stream!I am tired and weak. The stream will be hard to cross.

驢子:(喃喃)哦, 不!一條溪!我又疲憊又虛弱。 那條溪會很難渡過的。

Man: Don’t be worry, Donkey. It won’t be too hard. I will help you.

人:別擔心, 驢子。 那不會太困難。 我會幫你的。

The two are at the stream.


Man: Be careful, Donkey! Just follow me. Walk slowly step by step.

人:小心, 驢子!跟著我。 一步一步慢慢走。

Donkey: The rocks are very slippery. What if I fall? I am afraid.

驢子:(喃喃)石頭好滑!如果我滑到怎麼辦?我 好怕啊!

Man: Watch out, Donkey! It is very slippery here.

人:小心, 驢子!這裡非常地滑。

Donkey: Hee-haw!


The Donkey slips and falls. It can’t get up.

驢子滑了一跤, 並跌倒了。 它站不起來。

Man: Oh, no! Get up, Donkey! Get up quickly! Get up before the salt melts! Now!

人:哦, 不!起來, 驢子!快起來!在鹽溶化前站起來!馬上!

Donkey: I can’t. I can’t get up. The rocks are slippery and my legs are weak.

驢子:(喃喃)我不行啊!我站不起來。 石頭好滑, 而且我的腿沒有力。

Man: Come on! Get up at once!


The man keeps pulling at the donkey, but it is no use. After a while the Donkey finally gets up and they cross the stream.


可是沒有用。 過了一會, 驢子終於站起來。 而且他們渡過了溪流。

Man: Look! All the salt is gone. What shall I do?

人:你瞧瞧, 所有的鹽都沒了。 我該怎麼辦?

Donkey: Hey! My back is light. What happened? I fell in the stream and my back became light. This is great!

驢子:(喃喃)嘿, 我的背上變輕了。 發生了什麼事?我跌入溪中, 然後我的背變輕了。 太棒 了!

However, the next day, the Master loads more salt onto the Donkey and heads for the market again.

然而, 第二天。 主人在驢背上載了更多的鹽 並再度朝市場出發。

Man: Stand still. Today, I will load more salt.

人:別動, 今天, 我要載更多的鹽。

Donkey: It is heavier than yesterday.


Man: let’s go quickly. I have to sell all of this salt today.

人:我們快點走吧。 我今天要把這些鹽都給賣了。

Again, they come to the stream.


Donkey: I have an idea. I will fall down here on purpose. Then my back will become light again.

驢子:(喃喃)我有個點子了。 我要故意在這裡跌倒。 然後我的背又會變輕。

Man: You better not fall down again, Donkey. Just follow me and be careful. One step at a time.

人:你最好不要再跌倒了, 驢子。 跟著我並小心點。 一步一步來。

This time, the rocks weren’t slippery at all, but the Donkey fell down on purpose.

這回石頭一點兒不滑, 可是驢子故意跌了一跤。

Donkey: Hee-haw.


Man: Be careful, not gain.


Donkey: Hee-haw., hee-haw.

Man: Come on, Donkey! Get up! Get up now!

人:拜託, 驢子!起來!馬上起來!


The man pulled at the Donkey, but it didn’t get up for a long time. Afterwards all of the salt was melted.

那個人拉著驢子。 但是它好一段時間都不起來。 最後所有的鹽都溶化了。

Man: Oh my goodness! All of my salt is melted again! What shall I do?

人:哦, 我的天!我的鹽又都溶化了!我該怎麼辦?

Donkey: Heh, heh, heh. It worked again. I will keep falling down in the stream.

驢子:(喃喃)嘿嘿, 又成功了。 我要一直在溪裡 跌倒。

Man: I know what you are thinking, Donkey. You can’t trick me. I will teach you a lesson.

人:(喃喃自語)我知道你在想什麼, 驢子。 你騙不了我的。 我要給你一個教訓。

Both the man and the Donkey had a grin on their faces.


The next day, the man loaded the Donkey’s back again.

第二天, 人又在驢子背上載東西。

Man: Come here, Donkey. We are going to the market again. This is very light.

人:過來, 驢子。 我們今天要再去市場。 這非常輕。

Donkey: Hey, he is right this time.This is light. But it will become even lighter later. Heh, heh, heh.

驢子:(喃喃)嘿, 他這次是做對了。 這是輕的。 但是待會兒會變得更輕的。 嘿嘿。

After a while, the two reach the stream once again.

過了一會兒, 他們倆再度來到溪邊。

Man: there’s the stream. Don’t fall down again today. If you do, you will be sorry.

人:那裡有條小溪。 今天別再跌倒了。 如果你跌倒, 你會後悔的。

Donkey: I don’t believe you. I will fall down on purpose again. Then my back will become even lighter. Hee-haw.

驢子:(喃喃)我不相信你。 我要故意再跌倒一次。 然後我的背就會變輕多了。 咿吼------

This time, the Master didn’t help the Donkey get up. Instead, after a while, the Donkey tried to get up by itself.

這一次, 主人並沒有幫驢子起來。

反而, 過了一會兒, 驢子想要自己站起來。

Donkey: I will get up now. Hey! What is wrong? I can’t get up. My back is so heavy.

驢子:(喃喃)我現在要起來了, 嘿!怎麼回事? 我起不來了, 我的背好重啊!

Man: Get up, you foolish Donkey!

人:起來, 你這只笨驢。

Donkey: Why is my back so heavy? I don’t understand.


Man: Poor Donkey! Plain cotton is light. But wet cotton is very heavy.

人:可憐的驢子!平常的棉花是輕的。 可是濕棉花 就很重!

Donkey: Oh, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have fooled my Master.


Man: Come on, Donkey! Let’s go! The market is still far away. We have a long way to go.

人:來吧, 驢子!我們走了!市場還很遠呢。 我們有好一段路要走呢!

Donkey: Oh nooooooo!

驢子:哦, 不。 。 。

MORAL: Don’t fall for one’s own tricks.
